Thursday, February 26, 2009

Get Ready for "SlumDog Marketing"

Forget the global downturn, the slums, the traffic jams. Monday this week dawned in India with celebration as word spread that the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" had snagged eight Oscar Academy Awards, including best picture and best director.

I would say it is time for Marketers world over to start looking at India or low cost countries and start using some real inexpensive yet effective “SlumDog Marketing Solutions” in the years ahead. 

“Slumdog Millionaire” is a movie centered around a poor kid(just like our 2009 marketing budget) that goes on to become a millionaire by succeeding in a show on the lines of “Who wants to be a Millionaire”. I guess, Every marketer wants to make Millions in new revenues and win all the way –but only sure way to do this is move more work offsite and online- you can execute online campaigns from Outsourcing firms that can do these at less than half the cost and possibly better than your internal team.

Deriving Growth out of a “dwindled slumdog 2009 marketing budget” needs Marketers to move more budget online while getting projects executed seven seas across if needed. Innovation in Marketing Outsourcing with capabilities to video conference and analyze performance on the other end easily make Marketing Outsourcing a viable immediate term solution..

Obama’s Push to create a sizzle in the economy and by other world leaders across the globe might take another couple of quarters to kick into action. Sales & Marketing Key Decision makers today have a choice to make our Companies millions by getting started on the slumdog marketer route without breaking the bank. 

Get ready for the "Three ways SlumDog Marketers ensure millions of new client revenues in 2009" .. Stay Tuned..