Saturday, November 22, 2008

Why Champions Love Recessions!!

Here’s Why Champions Love Recessions!!

Champions Love Recessions. Champions that outmarket and outsell their competition during slow times emerge from the recession with increased marketshare and better long term profitability.

Studies in September 2008 by the Marketing Planning Institute, McGrawhill and Nielsen show that Marketing and Lead Generation Investments are more critical in gaining market share during the downturn rather than when business is good. A Mercer company study shows 802 of the top 1000 companies that cut cost on marketing during a downturn couldn’t turn profitable for 5 consecutive years after the recession. It is time for Companies and Champions to Double their Marketing efforts.

Here are the 3 things Champions do while others are losing and giving up

1) Marketing Champions attack the market place in a downturn. They Carefully spend more time telemarketing or online or email marketing for customer acquisition. During tough times, Marketing Champions deploy counter intutive strategies to Gain new customers and expand to global markets and expand market share. They Kick off new campaigns – They know Reducing Lead Generation is a sure shot way to ride your sales to the bottom of the totem pole..

2) This is the time to make the investment in Lead Generation and Growth while others are cutting effort. Multi channel marketing solutions including email and online promotions help bring superior ROI at reduced marketing expense. Invest in targeted industry specific projects to take products and services to market faster with the referrals from the same industry.

3) Customers have more time now than ever to talk to Sales Executives and Discuss long term propositions. Some of them might be planning initiatives to develop and launch new products and you could get through to them at the right starting point. Target customers of competitors. You can have your Top Sales Managers and Executive team involved in calling up your strategic clients.

Play Hardball, Be Relentless, Lot of Business is up for Grabs, Grab It!.
The Playing field is less crowded now. Many of the competitors take a Survival approach in a Recession. Champions should take the Thrival approach instead of succumbing to Recessionary Pressures..
Champions, Welcome the Recession & Get to work on Grabbing Market share now!!

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